1st meeting of the energy materials discovery characterisation and application group

Iona Ross
Tuesday 27 August 2013

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MacDonald Highland Resort, Aviemore
27-28th September 2013
EPSRC Platform Grant: EP/K0155401/1
The initial meeting of the Energy Materials Discovery Characterisation and Application Group was held over two days at the MacDonald Highland Resort in Aviemore.

This workshop was developed with funding from EPSRC as part of a Platform Grant. It enabled the group to discuss and present their research to the wider group as well as invited keynote speakers. This year’s workshop included speakers from academia, providing a fantastic opportunity to exchange knowledge. Networking was promoted through the dinner and poster sessions. For the debute year of the group meeting the programme included topics on materials for solid oxide fuel cells, direct carbon fuel cells, oxygen transport membranes, photoelectrocatalysis, exsolution, catalysis and hydrides.

2013 Aviemore Programme